
QualtricsXM (Qualtrics eXperience Management, or just Qualtrics) is a browser based survey platform that allows users to create and distribute surveys. Surveys generated in Qualtrics can be sent out via email directly from the platform itself, as well as through a variety of other options including anonymous QR codes and URL links, and pre-generated unique-links that can be distributed outside of Qualtrics itself.

Survey results can be summarized in reports directly through Qualtrics’ report tool and are also available to export in multiple formats such as CSV, TSV, Excel, XML, SPSS, and Google Drive (Sheets) for additional analysis using other tools.

All surveys and data are stored on secure, Qualtrics managed, servers unless downloaded by the user.

Getting Started

To get access, email survey@humboldt.edu requesting a Qualtrics account on our campus license. An account using your single sign-on information will be generated and a welcome email sent to you when it is active and available for use.


Faculty, Staff, and Administrators are eligible for accounts on the Cal Poly Humboldt campus license. These accounts are accessible while employed by Cal Poly Humboldt or Auxiliary, but will be deactivated after 1 year of inactivity or upon leaving employment of the institution. Deactivated accounts will not be deleted without prior notice to the user along with access to any survey and survey data they have a right to.

Cal Poly Humboldt Students are also eligible for accounts within the same parameters as employees, but automatically deactivate after a set amount of time. Accounts requested in Summer or Fall terms expire at the end of the following Spring term, accounts requested in winter or Spring term expire at the end of the following Fall term. Student accounts can be extended by an additional 2 terms on request.


Qualtrics works best on Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge (Chromium Version), Mozilla Firefox, and Apple Safari.

Qualtrics may work on other browsers, or discontinued browsers (e.g., Internet Explorer) but it is not supported for those browsers and may not work correctly.

Helpful Resources


Need Help?

 Self-Service Troubleshooting

Call (707) 826-4357

Help Desk Hours

Monday - Thursday 8am - 7pm
Friday 8am - 5pm
Sunday 11am - 3pm

After hours emergencies:
Call UPD at 826-5555

System Status

Status System Est. resolution
Available All Systems

Full System Status Information