ArcGIS Pro - Home Use Instructions

ArcGIS Pro


1. Extract the file

2. Run ArcGIS_Pro_25_172639.exe to install ArcGIS Desktop Advanced on your personally-owned device.

Please select the destination folder where the package should extract the files: Please select the destination folder: C:\Users\abc123\Documents\ArcGIS Pro 2.5 Browse Next Cancel

Installation files have been successfully extracted to your computer. Checkbox Launch the setup program.

3. If you have administrator rights, select anyone who uses this computer (all users) and click next. If not, select only for me (currently logged in username) and click next.

Installation Context Install this application for: Radio Button Anyone who uses this computer (all users) Radio Button Only for me (abc123) Back Next Cancel

4. Leave the destination folder as the default and click next.

Destination Folder Select a folder where the application will be installed. Install ArcGIS Pro to: C:\Program Files\ArcGIS\Pro\ Change... Back Next Cancel

5. Leave the checkbox checked and click finish if you want to run ArcGIS Pro right away or uncheck the box, click finish, and scroll down to the section for patching your copy of ArcGIS Pro.

ArcGIS Pro has been successfully installed. Click the Finish button to exit this installation. Checkbox Run ArcGIS Pro now. Finish


ArcGIS Pro wants to access your ArcGIS Online account information (help link with question mark icon) Sign in with ArcGIS login Username field Password field Sign In Cancel Forgot username link Forgot password link Your ArcGIS Organization's URL

ArcGIS Pro wants to access your ArcGIS Online account information (help link with question mark icon) Sign in with ArcGIS login Your ArcGIS organization's URL Checkbox for remember this URL Continue Github login Face

ArcGIS Pro wants to access your ArcGIS Online account information (help link with question mark icon) Sign in to Cal Poly Humboldt with Button for Cal Poly Humboldt ArcGIS login dropdown Privacy link Checkbox for Sign me in automatic

ArcGIS Pro wants to access your ArcGIS Online account information (help link with question mark icon) Cal Poly Humboldt MyHumboldt Humboldt User Name form field Password form field Forgot your user name or password? (link) Need help? (link) For

ArcGIS screen shot


1. To patch your copy of ArcGIS Pro to 2.5.1, make sure ArcGIS Pro is closed, and run ArcGIS_Pro_251_173949.msp

ArcGIS screen shot

ArcGIS screen shot

ArcGIS screen shot


ArcGIS Online (AGOL)

To access Humboldt's ArcGIS Online instance, please go to the following URL in your preferred web browser click on the Cal Poly Humboldt button:

 ArcGIS Online single sign-on login landing page

You will then be prompted to enter your Humboldt login credentials and respond to the DUO notification:

ArcGIS Online DUO prompt after logging in

Once you've approved the DUO push notification, you should be redirected to the Cal Poly Humboldt ArcGIS Online instance:

Cal Poly Humboldt Maps ArcGIS Online landing page

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