Submitted by ecl232 on March 17, 2025 - 1:53pm
Campus Internet
Experiencing Problems
Issue start:
Tuesday, March 18, 2025 - 6:00am
Estimated resolution time:
Wednesday, March 19, 2025 - 8:00am
03-18-25 4:29pm
Progress on Campus Internet Issues!
Wireless internet is back up across campus!
Most, if not all, wired connections should be restored by tomorrow morning.
We’re still working with the vendor to pinpoint the root cause and will continue efforts tonight to fully restore services.
If you submitted a Help Desk ticket today, ITS will follow up.
Still having issues tomorrow? Contact the Technology Help Desk at 707-826-4357 or visit
Thanks for your patience—we’re almost there!
03-18-25 1:15pm
We are continuing to work closely with the vendor to resolve ongoing on-campus network issues. However, there is no estimated resolution time frame.
As an alternative, a manual fix for wired internet access is now available. This fix requires ITS to configure each computer individually.
To request setup on your computer, please contact the Technology Help Desk at (707) 826-4357 or visit We appreciate your patience as we work through all of the requests.
Please note that wireless network access remains unavailable.
03-18-25 12:08pm
We believe we’ve identified the issue and are working to implement a fix.
Next update at 1 PM.
We’re sorry for the inconvenience and appreciate your patience!
03-18-25 10:21am
Here’s the latest:
ITS is working with vendors to get things fixed.
If you are on campus and your computer is working, please don’t reboot it!
Housing Wi-Fi (ResNet) is up and running.
Campus VPN is working—you can work from home.
Next update at Noon.
No resolution ETA yet, but we’ll keep you posted.
Thanks for your patience!
03-18-25 7:53am
Campus networks are experiencing significant issues and the network team is working to identify the issue.
03-17-25 1:49pm
Campus wireless infrastructure requires software upgrades. All devices connecting to any campus wireless network will experience service interruptions during the change window. If anyone encounters an issue logging on to campus wireless, try again in ten to fifteen minutes.