TurningPoint for Instructors

Instructors are encouraged to integrate clicker use with Canvas wherever possible. To do this, you need to enable Turning Point Registration from the course level menu to allow students to register with TurningPoint. Refer to the Canvas Guide on editing the Course Navigation links. The registration works across multiple classes, so students only need to follow the course link once.

Drop-in clicker support for faculty and students is available in Library 311 every day, or you can make an appointment with the clicker team by calling x3633. You’ll also find an extensive section on clickers in the AT Guides (you may be asked to enroll in order to access the guide). Additional information and extended support are available on the Turning Technologies website.

Instructors should order the appropriate number of clickers for their class at the same time as they order textbooks - a semester ahead of when they will be needed.

Need Help?

 Self-Service Troubleshooting

Call (707) 826-4357

Help Desk Hours

Monday - Thursday 8am - 7pm
Friday 8am - 5pm
Sunday 11am - 3pm

After hours emergencies:
Call UPD at 826-5555

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