
ResponseWare turns your mobile device (phone, laptop, tablet, etc.) into a response device that can be used instead of a clicker to answer TurningPoint polling questions in class. If you’re going to take this route, please be sure to set up your mobile device before class.

Setting up your device with ResponseWare

First, ensure you have a stable connection to the internet, either through your wireless service or through the campus wireless network.

You have two options for using ResponseWare in class to answer questions:

Option 1: Using a browser on your phone, tablet, or laptop

  1. Go to and sign into your Turning account
  2. Enter your Humboldt email address and click Sign In
  3. Enter your Turning account password and click Sign In
  4. Click the App List Button in the upper right corner of the dashboard
  5. Click on ResponseWare
  6. Type in the Session ID (visible when the instructor opens the session)
  7. Click on Join Session. You can press Continue without entering your username or information
  8. When your instructor opens up a polling question, enter the answer on your device

Option 2: Using the ResponseWare app on your phone or tablet

Note that Wi-Fi or data must be enabled to use ResponseWare app

  1. Open the app during the class session
  2. Type in the Session ID (visible when the instructor opens the session)
  3. Click on Join Session
  4. Sign in to your Turning account
  5. Enter your Humboldt email address and click Sign In
  6. Enter your Turning account password and click Sign In
  7. You can press Continue without entering your username or information
  8. When your instructor opens up a polling question, you will be able to answer it on your device

Even if you already have a Turning account, you will still need to link the account to the Canvas course associated with your class.

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Call (707) 826-4357

Help Desk Hours

Monday - Thursday 8am - 7pm
Friday 8am - 5pm
Sunday 11am - 3pm

After hours emergencies:
Call UPD at 826-5555

System Status

Status System Est. resolution
Planned Maintenance Jamf Cloud 03-01-25 10:00am