Using the Chrome OS at Humboldt

Chrome Operating System (OS) devices (Chromebook, Chromebox) are inexpensive, easy to maintain, and allow access to expensive and complex software through our Virtual Lab

Chromeboxes are installed throughout the 3rd floor of the Library. Chromebooks available for checkout from the circulation desk. We hope to expand the number of Chrome OS devices on campus, please send an email to to give us your feedback.

When logging onto a Chrome OS device with your Humboldt email account, you will immediately have access to your email, G Suite of applications (Docs, Sheets and Slides), as well as all of your Google Drive files. These services can be accessed anytime, anywhere on almost any device.

Personally Owned Devices

If you use your Humboldt account to login to your personal ChromeOS device, you will get the following settings pushed down to your equipment:

  • A bookmarks folder named "Humboldt Links" with links to Humboldt services like our Virtual Lab (VLab) is created
  • The screen locks at end of idle time
  • Multiple Sign-in Access: Humboldt account must be signed in first to allow switching between work and personal accounts

Printing from Chrome OS Devices

We are planning on piloting a new mobile printing service for Fall 2019. Printing from Chrome OS will be available to printers in the following locations:

  • The Library on the all three floors
  • The HGH print kiosk
  • Outside of SCID13

Need Help?

 Self-Service Troubleshooting

Call (707) 826-4357

Help Desk Hours

Monday - Friday 8am - 8pm

After hours emergencies:
Call UPD at 826-5555

System Status

Status System Est. resolution
Available All Systems

Full System Status Information