
Humboldt uses the Turning Point classroom response system to increase class interactivity and improve student engagement; it also enables both students and instructors to get real-time feedback on class effectiveness.

The system comprises a receiver and handheld input devices (clickers). The ADA-compliant clickers and associated TurningPoint Cloud licenses are available to students through the Humboldt Bookstore; students can also install the ResponseWare app on their phone, tablet, or personal computer. Receivers are installed in all of Humboldt's Smart Classrooms; instructors can also obtain a TurningPoint Instructor Kit to install on their own laptops. TurningPoint Cloud software is installed on all Smart Classroom systems, and PowerPoint with TurningPoint is on all Smart Classroom PCs.

TurningPoint for Instructors

TurningPoint for Students


Need Help?

 Self-Service Troubleshooting

Call (707) 826-4357

Help Desk Hours

Monday - Thursday 8am - 7pm
Friday 8am - 5pm
Sunday 11am - 3pm

After hours emergencies:
Call UPD at 826-5555

System Status

Status System Est. resolution
Available All Systems

Full System Status Information