Scheduling Lab & Smart Classroom Events

You'll find all the information you need to schedule an event in an ITS-managed lab or smart classroom on this page; if you're reserving a facility for use by an off-campus organization, please scroll down to the section on Off-Campus Groups.

On-Campus Departments

You do not need to get approval before scheduling an event in a lab or smart classroom during normal working hours, but please try to provide at least five days' notice so that the posted availability schedule can be updated for others' benefit. Please do NOT schedule an event on the same day it is planned to occur. Log into 25Live, click the Create an Event button, and follow the Event Wizard instructions to schedule your event. You may also contact Room Reservations at (707) 826 4414 to schedule an event.

Do NOT use this process for semester classroom scheduling. Those requests should still be routed through the Office of the Registrar by emailing However, if you need to move a lab mid-semester, run through the checklist below and then schedule it.

Is it available and open? See the Lab Schedules.

Note: If your event is not during open hours, you will be charged a $10.50 per hour fee (one hour minimum for opening and closing the facility) to have the lab available outside of these hours. You'll also need to check the building schedule to make sure the exterior doors will not be locked.

Does it have the software you need? See the list of Lab Software

Note: If it doesn’t, check another lab. If the software you need is not installed anywhere, you can request the software you need using the Lab Software Request process (be sure to give yourself extra time!) The department must provide the software and proof of license.

Check Smart Classroom information

Schedule it!

Log into 25Live, click the Create an Event button, and follow the Event Wizard instructions to schedule your event. If you have questions about how to use 25Live, visit the 25Live support page.

Note: If your event includes off-campus guests who do not have Humboldt accounts, you will need to request temporary accounts for those individuals. Please complete and submit an account request form for each individual well in advance of the event.

Off-Campus Groups

Off-campus groups are welcome to use Humboldt computing lab and smart classroom facilities for events, subject to availability. Costs and conditions will vary depending on the type and extent of the event, but all events involving the leasing of Humboldt facilities require a minimum of three weeks' notice. Full details and the forms you need to complete can be found on the Campus Events site

Is it available and open? See the Lab Schedules

Note: Special fees apply to all facility rentals from off-campus organizations. If your event is not during open hours, additional fees will apply to have the facility available outside of these hours.

Does it have the software you need? See the list of Lab Software

Note: If it doesn’t, check another lab. If the software you need is not installed anywhere, you can request the software using the Lab Software Request process, provided Humboldt already has a license for that software. If Humboldt does not have a license to use the software, the group will need to provide that software, along with a proof of license. (be sure to give yourself extra time!)

Check Smart Classroom information

Schedule it!
Complete and submit the paperwork as requested on the Campus Events site.

Questions? If you have any questions about scheduling your off-campus group activity in ITS labs or smart classrooms, please send an email to and review the leasing information on the Campus Events website.

Need Help?

 Self-Service Troubleshooting

Call (707) 826-4357

Help Desk Hours

Monday - Thursday 8am - 7pm
Friday 8am - 5pm
Sunday 11am - 3pm

After hours emergencies:
Call UPD at 826-5555

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