Current Projects

SummaryProject UpdatePercent CompleteProject Health

Advising Slate Implementation

  • Steering Committee Score: 394
  • Divisional VP: Jenn Capps - Academic Affairs
  • Sponsor: Carmen Bustos-Works - Academic Programs
  • Project Coordinator: Kathy Hudson - ITS Project Office


  • The team decided to continue work on data integration, which had been paused while waiting for new Slate features. Technolutions/Slate has delayed the release, which was expected by the end of January, with no new timeline given. We will proceed with an alternate plan involving more custom work.
  • Front-end build is nearly complete. Project team members will begin scheduling demos with faculty advisor groups in March to build awareness, collect feedback, and learn more about the training & support needs of faculty advisors vs. professional academic advisors.
On Time

Assigned Time Approval & Evaluation

  • Steering Committee Score: 340
  • Divisional VP: Jenn Capps - Academic Affairs
  • Sponsor: Patrick Malloy - Academic Affairs
  • Project Coordinator: Kathy Hudson - ITS Project Office


The project team has been testing and adjusting the form in the last month. The form is nearing completion technically to provide the structure for the Assigned Time Approval Process. The team will be meeting various campus stakeholders in the next few weeks to demonstrate the new Assigned Time form and process. Department Chairs, Budget Analysts and Department ASCs will all get to preview and test the form before we go live near the end of March.

On Time

CHRS Completion


To date, the project team has completed 6 of the 49 Position Papers. The team is working with Position Paper Leads to prioritize and schedule the work of the remaining Position Papers. The target goal for completion of all required Position Papers is July 1, 2025.

On Time

CHRS Recruit (Page Up) Talent Acquisition

  • Steering Committee Score: 371
  • Divisional VP: Sherie Gordon - Admin Affairs
  • Sponsor: Anthony Casas - Human Resources
  • Project Coordinator: Phil Rouse - ITS PRoject Office


The HR Project Leads have partnered with Cal Poly SLO to assist with the project work. The independent contractor has been set up with permissions and meetings to focus the scope of work are set for next week. The project team will review the scope and make sure the initial project outcomes are reviewed and adjusted as needed, along with the timeline of the project.

On Time

Data Warehouse Unification and Modernization

  • Steering Committee Score: 345
  • Divisional VP: Jenn Capps - Academic Affairs
  • Sponsor: Michael Le - ITS
  • Project Coordinator: Kathy Hudson


We have identified local OBI users and explored how CFS dashboards can be utilized to replicate local reports. We are in the process of finalizing training plans. The CFS Transition Task Force will serve as Super Users for their respective divisions, providing training and acting as a resource for CFS users. We are collaborating with our campus Data Governance Committee to determine the most appropriate approach for granting access to Labor Costs. In March, the Chancellor’s Office will conduct on-site training for Super Users.

25% Behind

Disability Resource Center Case Management System

  • Steering Committee Score: 342
  • Divisional VP: Sherie Gordon - Admin Affairs
  • Sponsor: Cris Kozcera - CR&R
  • Project Coordinator: Phil Rouse - ITS PRoject Office


The January meeting resulted in a twice a week meeting set up to allow the project leads to update the ITS Project Office with outcomes and results and to see how best to support the work and communication efforts for an upcoming end of March milestone for the project.

On Time

Disaster Continuity Phase 3

No progress has been made since last update.
On Time

Enrollment Management Slate Reimplementation

  • Steering Committee Score: 383
  • Divisional VP: Chrissy Holliday - Enrollment Mgt.
  • Sponsor: Chrissy Holliday - Enrollment Mgt.
  • Project Coordinator: Billie Herman - ITS Project Office


  • Grad workflow is in production
  • Team has identified EOP Admisssions, Ealry Entrants, Transfers, and Document Management as the final goals of this project. A timeline is being created for this work and will detremined the new end date of this project.

On Time

Extended Education and Global Engagement Slate Implementation


  • Discovery Project Kickoff meeting is schedule for 3/12/2025.
On Time

Google Drive Storage Optimization Project

  • Steering Committee Score: 390
  • Divisional VP: Jenn Capps - Academic Affairs
  • Sponsor: Breck Robinson - ITS Customer Care
  • Project Coordinator: Kathy Hudson - ITS Project Office


Google usage remains steady at 307TB. We have concluded discussions with colleges and administrative affairs. Currently, we are engaged in reviewing various permanent quota scenarios developed for individuals (students, staff, faculty) and shared drives. Our objective is to balance the need for resources while adhering to quotas and minimizing quota enforcement efforts for staff. We are actively working towards establishing permanent quotas and anticipate finalizing these within the next month.

On Time

Implementation of Procure to Pay Solution

  • Steering Committee Score: 
  • Divisional VP: Sherie Gordon - Admin Affairs
  • Sponsor: Tawny Fleming - Strategic Business Services
  • Project Coordinator: Phil Rouse - ITS Project Office



This week marks 3 months since GO LIVE. The CSUBUY Procure to Pay System is fully live on campus. The project team continues to hos several weekly Zoom sessions for end users, but the attendance has started to wane, with only a set group of the same staff attending the sessions for reinforcement and support. The project team has a Lessons Learned Session planned in March, and the project will be closed following the completion of the Lessons Learned session.

On Time

Reduce Technical Debt

  • Steering Committee Score: 382
  • Divisional VP: Jenn Capps - Acad Affairs
  • Sponsor: Cade Webb - CIO Office
  • Project Coordinator: Kathy Hudson - ITS Project Office


SSO has been cut over to LDAP-4. Issues with AWS notifications in LDAP have been fixed and we are prepped to begin migrating LDAP services onto LDAP-4. Academic Licence and SCH migrations are scheduled to finish in Summer 2025. The OS updates for DNS, DHCP, Bay and IDM are still pending.

On Time

Transforming Cal Poly's Computer Budgeting, Purchasing and Refresh Sys

  • Steering Committee Score: 350
  • Divisional VP: Jenn Capps - Academic Affairs
  • Project Champion: Breck Robinson
  • Project Coordinator: Kathy Hudson
The pilot program is advancing positively. We are preparing to deploy computers and collaborating with the CECs to enhance our internal tracking, communication, and deployment procedures. Additionally, we are initiating work with IRAR to develop the Individual Configuration Report, which the refresh team will utilize to configure computers in accordance with users' specifications. Our objective is to ensure that the refresh process closely resembles a plug-and-play experience.
70% Behind

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