Working From Home Information
Here are a few suggestions to help you prepare for working remotely.
If you need something that’s not on this list, or run into trouble, please create a ticket.
- Accessing your files
- Access to special software
- Internet options
- Phones
- Recording Lectures
- Routing Forms/Documents
- Security
- Zoom
Accessing your files
We recommend you migrate your local files to Google Drive.
If you need access to share drives, you can use VOffice.
Access to special software
We have many titles you can install on your personally-owned computer:
Faculty and Staff: VOffice can be used to access on-campus services (like OBI and Nolij) and has the following software available:
Adobe Acrobat DC
Google Chrome
Microsoft Office
Mozilla Firefox
Tableau Reader
From any browser go to:
Sign in with Humboldt username & password
You will notice two options: VOffice and myHumboldt, choose which one you need:
VOffice will get you to a Windows desktop with the software listed above.
myHumboldt will connect you to the myHumboldt portal where you will be able to get into OBI, Peoplesoft, Dars, Nolij, Key Advisor Page, Campus Marketplace, etc.
If you need access to software that’s only on your workstation, please create a ticket and we’ll get you connected to VPN and remote desktop.
Students and Faculty:
The Virtual Lab ( has been updated with more titles available for you to use online.
All of our Windows labs are available for remote access, which is great for intesnive programs such as Adobe Creative Cloud and GIS Applications.
Gist Hall 215 and Natural Resources 203 are open for student use.
Specially requested titles:
Adobe Creative Cloud: Available in our labs for remote access and in VLab ( This is available for installation on personal computers.
SPSS: Available in VLab ( and available for installation on personal computers.
Internet options
Many other universities and colleges offer eduroam wireless, your credentials will work to get you guest access at any of them. Here is a map.
Cal Poly Humboldt eduroam wireless is up and running. Signals are strongest at the following locations:
o FS7 (Near Van Matre Hall)
o FS9 (between Gist Hall and SBS)
o FS10 (behind Harry Griffith Hall)
o G14 & G15 (at 14th & B streets)
Be safe and plan ahead! Buildings are locked and restrooms are not available. Always be mindful of your surroundings!
Recording Lectures
We’re exploring recording solutions for classroom lecture capture that involve using tablets and/or document cameras.
Routing Forms/Documents
Access Zoom at:
Help Desk Hours
Monday - Thursday 8am - 7pm
Friday 8am - 5pm
After hours emergencies:
Call UPD at 826-5555
System Status
Status | System | Est. resolution |
Available | All Systems |