OBI (Oracle Business Intelligence) is the analytical reporting tool that enables Cal Poly Humboldt employees to access and work with the data in PeopleSoft via what’s known as a data warehouse. Data warehouses are systems designed to store data from a wide range of sources and make this information available in an easy-to-use format to support decisionmaking.

Information currently stored in the Humboldt data warehouse includes:

  • Finance: Daily financial transactions in detail and summary formats. Information includes budgeted amounts, encumbered amounts, and actual income/expenditures.
  • Human Resources: Employee position-related and payroll-related activity.
  • Student : Information on admissions and recruiting, student records, financial aid, and student financial services.
  • DARS: The automated system that helps students and advisors track progress towards degree completion.

Getting Started

To get started with OBI you or your supervisor need to complete and submit an Access Request Form. Documentation in the office may point you towards what access you need to request or you can copy the permissions of someone in your area. If you need help getting started please email


OBI works best using the latest version of Firefox, the recommended browser for use with OBI. You can access OBI from off campus using Humboldt's Virtual Private Network.

Helpful Resources

OBI Dashboards
OBI Glossary
OBI Humboldt User Guide
OBI DARS User Guide
OBI Oracle User Guide

Need Help?

 Self-Service Troubleshooting

Call (707) 826-4357

Help Desk Hours

Monday - Thursday 8am - 7pm
Friday 8am - 5pm
Sunday 11am - 3pm

After hours emergencies:
Call UPD at 826-5555

System Status

Status System Est. resolution
Planned Maintenance Content7 Upgrade 03-16-25 5:00pm

Planned Maintenance All Systems Maintenance 03-16-25 11:00am