Where do I get Free High Performance Computing Resources?
National Research Platform (NRP)
Cal Poly Humboldt is a member of the NRP which is funded by the National Science Foundation. The NRP is a collection of free high performance computing resources available to all its members. The NRP is utilized on projects such as detecting neutrinos in Antarctica, simulating robotic motion in San Diego, and processing redwood tomography images right here at Cal Poly Humboldt!
About NRP
About NRP
All faculty currently have access to its resources
High Performance Computing Resources
A great place to start using NRP resources. It features a Graphical User Interface (GUI) on a web browser for convenience and ease of use.
A variety of environments are available for using Python, R, as well as packages such as Tensor Flow and PyTorch
limited to 6 hours run times and 16 CPUs or GPUs
ask us for a consultation or access to our CSU specific Jupyter Hub
JupyterHub for Instruction
Jupyter Hub is available for use in the classroom as well
ask us for a consultation
Very High Performance Computing Resources
A command line driven environment used to access resources with fewer restrictions. Allows for indefinite run times and truly custom environments
command line interface
We put our best effort into supporting the high performance computing at Cal Poly Humboldt. When you have any results or outcomes utilizing the HPC resources, please consider including the appropriate acknowledgment(s).
Acknowledgement Templates
Acknowledgement Templates
Appropriate for all users:
This [research | presentation] was supported in part by the high performance computing resources provided by (ITS or Information Technology Services) at Cal Poly Humboldt.
If you wish to additionally acknowledge an individual or individuals who helped you with high-performance computing, the suggested format is:
We thank the High Performance Computing Center team at Cal Poly Humboldt, especially [specialist’s name(s)] for [his/her/their support/help/assistance] with [describe tasks accomplished].
If your project(s) utilized the National Research Platform (NRP) servers, include the following (TIDE JupyterHub users need to include this):
This work was supported in part by NSF awards OAC-2346701, CNS-1730158, ACI-1540112, ACI-1541349, OAC-1826967, OAC-2112167, CNS-2120019, the University of California Office of the President, and the University of California San Diego’s California Institute for Telecommunications and Information Technology/Qualcomm Institute.
How do I Make Decisions about Computing and Computing Power?
JupyterHub is usually a great place to start your high performance computing journey.
The graphical user interface is more user friendly and the environments are prebuilt and ready to use. There is no harm trying it out to see if it will work for your project.
If you find that you need to access more GPUs or CPUs that Jupyter can offer, or you need run times longer than 6 hours, you might need to use Kubernetes.
Need help assessing your computational needs? Ask us for a consultation.
Very High Performance Computing Resources
A command line driven environment used to access resources with fewer restrictions. Allows for indefinite run times and truly custom environments
command line interface
What if the NRP does not meet my needs?
There are several reasons why that might not work
Protected data such as FERPA or HIPAA data must stay off the NRP
Hosted websites are not available on the NRP
Limited local resources are available (Oracle 9/Ubuntu vm’s on vmWare)
Help Desk Hours
Monday - Thursday 8am - 7pm
Friday 8am - 5pm
After hours emergencies:
Call UPD at 826-5555
System Status
Status | System | Est. resolution |
Available | All Systems |