Research Support: FAQs
1. How do I get help with identifying grant IT needs and budget?
2. I am using a device in the field, how can I get admin access?
3. What if my research requires an additional workstation?
- ITS supports one computer for each staff or faculty member. However, if your research, supported by outside funding, necessitates additional workstations, or instrument computers, ITS can help with its purchase, setup, and maintenance. Because neither ITS nor departments have budgets for replacing these machines, researchers should plan for their future replacement.
4. Can I get a quick price estimate for a desktop, laptop, or tablet for a grant proposal?
5. What kind of equipment is available to borrow on a short term basis?
- Equipment: laptops, cameras, audio, and accessories maintained by Library. Inventory and availability listed.
6. Does ITS maintain equipment purchased with research funds?
- ITS can provide recommendations pertaining to maintenance of Grant purchased computer equipment. The National Research Platform (NRP) provides high performance computing for FREE without the need for any maintenance.
7. How do I stop computer reboot interfering with my research?
- Reboot Exceptions for research spaces
8. I need to store data, what is available?
9. I need to use survey software, do we have licensing for any?
- Qualtrics Access - Campus license, free to students and faculty. Email or submit a help ticket to get an account.
10. How do I make a website to support my research?
- Website Development - with Google Sites