Your Digital Life at Humboldt
Here's our Top Ten things to do to keep your digital life running safely and smoothly while you're here:
- Use different account names and passwords for personal and Humboldt email accounts, and don’t have personal information sent to your Humboldt account
- Use strong passwords and store them in a secure password manager like KeePassX (Windows/Mac) or 1Password (Mac). Don’t write them down and NEVER share them.
- Keep your personal and Humboldt information separate, and don’t retain scanned bills or other personal documents on an Humboldt-owned computer. Anything sent to or created with your Humboldt accounts or stored on Humboldt equipment may be produced as a result of a state business subpoena, Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request, or public access request.
- Protect confidential information, store it appropriately, and familiarize yourself with the applicable laws and policies. Keep confidential printed information in locked cabinets and shred it once it’s no longer needed. Never store Humboldt official records in email.
- Be aware of the ways phishers try to get your account information or personal data
- Back up your data regularly – and make sure you can restore it.
- Humboldt provides a free secure wireless network on campus through eduroam (educational roaming). Here's how to connect to eduroam. You'll need to keep your operating system and security software up to date, or you won’t be able to connect to the Humboldt wireless network.
- There's also a free virtual lab where enrolled students can access course software anywhere, anytime at
- Any software you install has the potential to be exploited by hackers, so only install applications from a trusted source. Using pirated software is illegal and can get you into a lot of trouble.
- Students - take advantage of the Humboldt Mobile app to stay on top of what you need to do and when - and get it done.
Learn to be security-aware
Humboldt offers regular information security training sessions online – if you don’t receive an invitation, send an email to for more information or to ask any security-related questions.
If you have any questions or concerns about online security, please contact the Technology Help Desk or the Information Security office.
Help Desk Hours
Monday - Thursday 8am - 7pm
Friday 8am - 5pm
After hours emergencies:
Call UPD at 826-5555
System Status
Status | System | Est. resolution |
Available | All Systems |