Prioritization Results

The Fall 2023 Project Prioritization results are in! View a graph of all scores here.

Requested Projects

College of Extended Education and Global Engagement Slate Implementation

Status: Approved and resourced

Score: 401

Requesting Department: College of Extended Education and Global Engagement 

Estimated Duration: June 2024 - June 2025

Enrollment Management is in the midst of reimagining enrollment management processes and making full use of the CRM application, Slate, to better manage our relationships with prospective students, applicants, and admitted students, and facilitate meeting enrollment goals. These efforts required a shut-down and complete redesign of the Slate database to essentially start over with a consistent, shared data dictionary for all Slate stakeholders.

This project is to bring CEEGE back into Slate, rebuilding their processes with the new data structure and restoring them to the same level of managing the processes that they had before, but also with the opportunity to achieve even better ways of serving students and improving admissions/student-supporting processes

Google Drive Storage Optimization Project

Status: Approved and resourced

Score: 383

Requesting Department: Customer Care

Estimated Duration: June 2024 - October 2024

Google Drive is the default storage offering at CalPoly Humboldt and many/most departments/programs on campus rely on Google for their academic needs or business processes. Google has recently started to charge us for their cloud storage. We need to reduce our storage footprint in order to avoid incurring significant additional costs.

This project is intended to reduce our Google storage footprint to at or below our quota for standard campus usage, obtain funding for the storage of the academic programs that need it, and establish policies and procedures to manage our storage growth.

Enrollment Management Slate Reimplementation (completion)

Status: Approved and resourced

Score: 383

Requesting Department: Enrollment Management

Estimated Duration: June 2024 – June  2025

We need to significantly increase enrollment in a short period of time. Our current tools and processes will not allow for that level of increase. Admissions and recruitment need to become much more efficient if we are to meet the targets that the chancellor's office has set for our Polytechnic transition.

In this project, our CRM, Slate, will be reconfigured to consider the needs of the entire enrollment management division. This includes Admissions, Communications, Events and Recruiting, allowing enrollment management to apply best practices to engage, recruit, and admit new and returning students.

By reconfiguring Slate to meet the initial phases of the student life cycle—inquiries, prospects, applicants, and admitted students—we are creating a base enterprise-level CRM to support students throughout the entire student life cycle and pave the way for Advising and CEEGE to support students via Slate.

Reduce Technical Debt & Build IT Capacity (Phase II)

Status: Approved and resourced

Score: 383

Requesting Department: Enterprise Technology

Estimated Duration: June 2024 – Dec 2024

Some of our critical campus services currently run on "end-of-life" operating systems, applications, and platforms. In order to stay compliant with security protocols, maintain consistency, and continue to meet campus needs, we must move services to modern operating systems.

This project will focus on moving our identity management, directory and document management services, as well as several vendor-hosted systems, to modern operating systems.

 CCTV Expansion

Status: Approved and resourced

Score: 379

Requesting Department: University Police

Estimated Duration: June 2024 – June 2026

By expanding CCTV coverage across campus, we increase the investigative capacity of UPD and deter crime on campus. The capacity and deterrence foster a safer campus environment that facilitates learning.

The CCTV expansion in this project will include pedestrian and vehicle intersections on the main campus

CHRS Recruit (PageUp) Talent Acquisition and Onboarding Reimplementation

Status: Approved and resourced

Score: 371

Requesting Department: Human Resources

Estimated Duration: June 2024 – June 2025

The CHRS Recruit implementation occurred without sufficient resourcing. Accordingly, the implementation scope was minimal.

This project will achieve a more planful reimplementation of PageUp to address and close compliance gaps and reduce manual administrative effort, email, and manual tracking mechanisms for recruiting and onboarding.

Disaster Continuity Phase III (teaching, learning, & polytechnic transformation)

Status: Approved and resourced

Score: 367

Requesting Department: Enterprise Technology

Estimated Duration: June 2024 – January 2026

As Cal Poly Humboldt continues its transition as a polytechnic university, we will rely even more on technology. An outage to the data center would disrupt teaching, learning, and research activities. Outages could occur from a natural disaster like an earthquake or flood, or they could occur due to other circumstances like equipment failure or our recent power outages.

To solve these problems, we need to continue extending more of Cal Poly Humboldt into the cloud, which will be especially valuable as our enrollment is projected to expand over the next couple of years. Cloud services could also reduce the amount of effort needed from IT staff for procuring, installing, and maintaining physical equipment.

This project focuses on improving students, faculty, and staff access to licensed software that is available in VLAB, student and faculty access to Virtual Linux environments, and broadening our management of cloud-based services.


Status: Approved and resourced

Score: 344

Requesting Department: Emergency Operations

Estimated Duration: March 2025 – September 2025

Operational audio alert systems in outdoor spaces and through the PA feature of the newer fire alarm systems will enhance our emergency notification for visitors on campus who otherwise would be unable to receive that information, as well as for those with low or no vision. During an emergency, it will help guide immediate life-saving actions for all people on campus.

This project will replace our audio emergency alert system to enhance public safety notification.

Disability Resource Center Case Management System

Status: Approved and resourced

Score: 342

Requesting Department: Campus Disability Resource Center

Estimated Duration: June 2024 – January 2026

Currently, there is no single, dynamic casework source available to the CDRC. This opens the University to the risk of litigation in that the documentation flow and record keeping are not consistent nor comprehensive.

This project will resolve that risk by creating a streamlined, comprehensive case management system to automate some processes and properly document all steps throughout the casework workflow.

Assigned Time Approval and Evaluation

Status: Approved and resourced

Score: 340

Requesting Department: Office of Academic Affairs (OAA)

Estimated Duration: June 2024 – January 2025

This project is intended to remedy gaps in our processes used to obtain formal approval of assignments before work has started and an after-the-fact evaluation of the assignment and bring us within compliance with system-wide policies.

Additionally, opportunities to reduce data entry efforts for ASCs and improve both access to the data and the integrity of the data itself for those who manage Assigned Time are likely to emerge as we develop the new solution.

Build Course Accessibility Dashboards

Status: Approved and resourced

Score: 301

Requesting Department: Accessible Technology

Estimated Duration: September 2024 – November 2025

 Currently, we have an integrated solution (Anthology Ally) in Canvas that facilitates the creation of accessible digital course content. Reporting features provide leadership with insight into their accessible efforts are included, but access to these reports is limited to internal use only. To distribute to leadership, data has to be exported and reports recreated in an external tool such as Excel.

This project will leverage new Anthology Ally features to integrate with Tableau, eliminating the need to manually export data and recreate reports and giving us the ability to create online Tableau dashboards

With these proposed Ally-fed Tableau dashboards, Chair and Dean leadership will have more transparency into the state of accessibility of the courses in Canvas. They will have more data at their fingertips and can help improve accessibility efforts by providing direct information to instructors on improvements to their course content, doing some work themselves, or reaching out for remediation assistance provided by the Accessibility Resources Center.

Student Club and Engagement Tracking

Status: Withdrawn by requester

Score: 270

Requesting Department: Student Life

Estimated Duration: NA

We need a system to track student club members, transition, grants, travel and activation status, as well as student engagement in campus events and co-curricular opportunities. Currently the product we use is called Presence. There have been complaints that this product is slow, lacks integration, and doesn't meet accessibility needs. This project is intended to identify and implement either a campus system that already exists or an affordable option with which to replace this service.