Project Proposal Submission and Prioritization
The Project Prioritization Process
Twice a year, the ITS Project Office issues a call for project proposals to the campus. All proposals submitted go through the ITS project prioritization process, which is the framework we use to select the projects that best support Humboldt's Strategic Plan and current priorities, and provide the greatest value to the campus.
Proposals are scored by the Project Prioritization Steering Committee using a scoring rubric designed specifically for this purpose. Based on those results and the availability of ITS staff resources, we prepare a proposed project schedule for the committee to include with their recommendations to the President’s Administrative Team. Bear in mind that a high-scoring project may not be able to start immediately if funds or resources are not immediately available; conversely, a lower-scoring project may be able to start immediately because the necessary funds and/or resources are available.
The President's Administrative Team makes the final decision as to which projects will move forward, which need further work, and which will not be acted on at this time.
Project Prioritization Steering Committee
Current Project Prioritization Steering Committee members are:
- Bethany Gilden (Rizzardi), CIO & Academic Affairs Division.
- Elizabeth Whitchurch, Facilities Special Projects Coordinator, Administrative Affairs Division
- Peggy Metzger, Financial Aid Office Director, Enrollment Management Division
- Jim Graham, Assistant Professor, Geospatial Science